Network settings: Privacy
Suppress Referer while browsing
(Previously called: Browse anonymously)
Normally, if you follow a hyperlink, AWeb sends the address of the page
that link appeared on to the server (the "Referer"). This allows servers to generate lists
of back-links for interest, logging, optimized caching, tracing obsolete
or mistyped links, etc. Some servers, like chat servers, actually need this
information to let you get the page.
Because the source of a link may be private information, or may reveal
an otherwise private information source, AWeb allows you to disable this
feature. If the checkbox is selected, AWeb doesn't send this address.
If this checkbox is checked, a warning requester is given every time you
have submitted a form over an unsecure connection.
Spammers (senders of unsolicited commercial e-mail) often scan all articles
in newsgroups for e-mail addresses. If you
check this checkbox, the articles you post will contain modified addresses
to protect you against this practice.
FTP servers usually require a userid and password to obtain access. Most
links to FTP sites don't contain this details because most FTP sites can
be accessed via anonymous FTP. By convention, the word "anonymous
is used as userid, and your e-mail address is used as password in this case.
If you check this option, and you have configured your
e-mail address, it is sent as password
for anonymous FTP. Otherwise the string "anonymous@anonymous
is used.
Use this chooser to select the protection level against privacy violation
by cookies.
The new standard (RFC 2109) for cookies provides a better
privacy protection than the original
NetScape cookie mechanism. Unfortunately, not all servers are compatible
with the new standard. Uncheck this checkbox to turn the new mechanism off,
in case you have problems with a specific site.
If this list contains full or partial domain names, then AWeb
will never remember or save cookies set by these domains, and never
send cookies to these domains. The domain name is checked against
the domain as it is defined in the cookie
Use the Add button to add a new entry, and the Del button to
delete the currently selected entry. Double-click on an entry to edit
the name in place.
You can also add a domain in this list by clicking the Never button
in the cookie alert requester.
Settings requesters